Text: Mart Niineste

While Telliskivi developed gradually, Rotermann was kickstarted. Rotermann was another 19th-century industrial complex, located right in the heart of Tallinn Tallinn, the largest city and capital of Estonia (population 440 000). . The potential for success was too high for its owner, Urmas Sõõrumaa Urmas Sõõrumaa is an Estonian businessman and a sports person. , so he really looked to advance the territory as quickly as he could. 

A closed territory in the middle of Tallinn Tallinn, the largest city and capital of Estonia (population 440 000). ! Among Estonians, Mr. Sõõrumaa is known either as a celebrity with extravagant hobbies, eccentrically into esoterics, or a businessman with strong vision and the right work ethic to achieve any goal. Rotermann, a new shopping-dining-living quarters of Tallinn Tallinn, the largest city and capital of Estonia (population 440 000). , was Sõõrumaa's way to give something to the public, while also making money from it all. Can’t blame him!

Urmas Sõõrumaa Urmas Sõõrumaa is an Estonian businessman and a sports person. skipped the hippies, bringing in a professional content and marketing team, and thusly turned the place into something that corresponded with his and his team's fancy taste, and their personal interpretation of all that was cool and desirable. You could say that Rotermann was a role model for Nobelessner.

Hey, let’s skip these discussions over gentrification and enjoy the place as it is: Located at the very center of Tallinn Tallinn, the largest city and capital of Estonia (population 440 000). , across the street from old town Rotermann, is an oasis of serenity... despite its busy nature as a dining, shopping, and living hotspot.

Usually, people come here with a goal of consuming something of high quality, with class and style. The people living above the boutiques and cafeterias, however, call it their home. There are plenty of offices in these buildings, so a vast number of people come here to work, as well.

As you walk in from the Mere boulevard, don’t be confused by the last bits of urban decay and the parking lot -- Just enjoy the view of the last empty and unrenovated 19th-century limestone buildings. In doing this, the contrast with the rest of the Rotermann will be especially baffling. 

Rotermann’s heart can be found in its main square, surrounded by cafeterias, restaurants, boutiques, and shops. There is even a sports club hidden somewhere, as well. Ever hear of a 15-minute city? Well, this is more like a 5-minute town! If you can afford to live here, you'll get acquainted with all of these spots rather quickly. As for drivers: There are two floors of underground parking available.

On a hot summer night, being in Rotermann feels like being in a country club without the country. (That’s how preppy this place is!) So, you’d better put on your best Lacoste and bring your boyfriend or girlfriend here for an impressive dinner date. Since the southeast corner of Rotermann is bordered by a cinema, a dinner date followed by a movie makes for a good reason to visit.

Small and compact, it doesn't take very long to walk through Rotermann. Due to its large concentration of very different dining and drinking hotspots, it will still take several nights and visits to explore.