Learning The Estonian Language

Estonian is a beautiful language, but it is also quite a complicated language to learn. Estonians have a famous saying by our beloved writer, A.H. Tammsaare: “Tee tööd ja näe vaeva, siis tuleb ka armastus.” A translation would be something to the effect of, "Work hard, and love will follow." The saying describes learning Estonian quite well, because steady work is needed to master this delicate art. If you are planning to spend a long time in Estonia, and would love to feel at home, then it would be advisable to learn at least some basic Estonian, as this might be a key to Estonians' hearts and homes. 

There are several options available for learning Estonian. There are different language schools in our bigger cities, and they offer group classes and private tutoring sessions. Check out their webpages for scheduling and pricing. Universities also offer Estonian language courses, and you could contact any suitable university to take part in their program as an open student, or attend summer or winter school. If you already have some basic knowledge of Estonian, then there is also a Facebook group called Foreigners Learning Estonian, where people arrange meetings to practice Estonian.

Language schools offering Estonian lessons: 
TEA Language School
A&E Keeltekool
Opus Lingua Language School
City Language School
Multilingua Language School

Read more about learning Estonian: